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The Departure

The Departure



Ittetsu Nemoto, a former punk-turned-Buddhist-priest in Japan, has made a career out of helping suicidal people find reasons to live. But this work has come increasingly at the cost of his own family and health, as he refuses to draw lines between those he counsels and himself. The Departure captures Nemoto at a crossroads, when his growing self-destructive tendencies

lead him to confront the same question his patients ask him: what makes life worth living?


Director & Producer: Lana Wilson

Language: Japanese with English subtitles

Country: USA

Duration: 87 min



لانا ويلسون
لانا ويلسون

السيرة الذاتية

لانا ويلسون. مخرجة وكاتبة ومنتجة حائزة على جوائز عديدة ومرشّحة لجائزة "Spirit" ومقيمة في نيويورك. عُرض فيلمها الأوّل "ما بعد تيلر" في مهرجان ساندانس السّينمائي عام 2013. وعُرض فيلم ويلسون الثّاني "الرّحيل" ضمن مسابقة مهرجان تريبيكا السّينمائي عام 2017 ونال استحسان النّقّاد بشكلٍ استثنائيّ. قبل ذلك عملت ويلسون كقيّمة على السّينما والرّقص في بينالي "پيرفورما" في نيو يورك لعروض الفنون البصريّة الحديثة. هي زميلة العام ٢٠١٧-٢٠١٨ في "نساء سانداس" وتعمل حاليًّا كمساعدة ضيفة في مؤسّسة پرات. تحمل شهادة البكالوريوس في دراسات السّينما والرّقص من جامعة ويزليان.


 Lana Wilson
Lana Wilson


Lana Wilson is an Emmy Award-winning and two-time Spirit Award-nominated director, writer, and producer based in New York. Her first film, After Tiller, premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. Wilson’s second film, The Departure, premiered in competition at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival to extraordinary critical acclaim. Previously, Wilson was the Film and Dance Curator at Performa, the New York biennial of new visual art performance. She is a 2017-2018 Women at Sundance Fellow, and currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Pratt. She holds a BA in Film Studies and Dance from Wesleyan University.